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Moottorin valvonta Festo CMMO-ST
Tuotenumero Toimittajan tuotenumero:
Nähdäksesi varastosaldon ja hinnan
The motor controller CMMO-ST is a closed-loop and open-loop position controller. Separate load and logic supply. Supports the safety function “safe torque off" (STO).
Easy actuation via:
– I/O interface
– IO-Link or I-Port
– Modbus TCP
Monitoring of freely defined positions and torque ranges. Backup file enables seamless device replacement. H-rail mounting possible. Encoder option (closed loop), in other words no step losses, following errors are corrected.
Parameterisation possible via:
Configuration package FCT (Festo Configuration Tool)
Ethernet interface with integrated web server
Easy actuation via:
– I/O interface
– IO-Link or I-Port
– Modbus TCP
Monitoring of freely defined positions and torque ranges. Backup file enables seamless device replacement. H-rail mounting possible. Encoder option (closed loop), in other words no step losses, following errors are corrected.
Parameterisation possible via:
Configuration package FCT (Festo Configuration Tool)
Ethernet interface with integrated web server
- Tuotenumero T18106812
- Toimittajan tuotenumero: 1512320
- Materiaaliluokka K1819B
Tekniset tiedot
- Enimmäisnimellisvirta: 0.25 A