AhlsellTuotteetTeollisuusPaineilmaPneumatiikkaLetkut, putket ja pistoliittimetLetkut, putket ja pistoliittimet - FestoLiitäntäkaapelit ja tarvikkeet Festo

Liitäntäkaapeli Festo NEBA
Tuotenumero Toimittajan tuotenumero:
Nähdäksesi varastosaldon ja hinnan
Powerful universal connecting cables for applications that are in constant motion or under vibration load with the following technical features:
• One cable quality for different types of installation (static, energy chain, robotics) and suitable for harsh environments as well as applications that are in constant motion or subject to vibration
• Electrical connection complies with EN 61076-2-101 or EN 61076-2-104
• Meets the safety requirements of IEC 61010-1 and IEC 61010-2-202 for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory devices
• High degree of protection, IP65, IP68, IP69k
• Resistant to abrasion and adhesion-free
• Resistant to oil, coolants, lubricants, hydrolysis, microbes, ultraviolet light and ozone
• Flame-retardant, self-extinguishing
• Screw-type lock with longitudinal knurl and hexagon for easier assembly, or diameter 8 mm with snap-locking
• One cable quality for different types of installation (static, energy chain, robotics) and suitable for harsh environments as well as applications that are in constant motion or subject to vibration
• Electrical connection complies with EN 61076-2-101 or EN 61076-2-104
• Meets the safety requirements of IEC 61010-1 and IEC 61010-2-202 for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory devices
• High degree of protection, IP65, IP68, IP69k
• Resistant to abrasion and adhesion-free
• Resistant to oil, coolants, lubricants, hydrolysis, microbes, ultraviolet light and ozone
• Flame-retardant, self-extinguishing
• Screw-type lock with longitudinal knurl and hexagon for easier assembly, or diameter 8 mm with snap-locking
- Tuotenumero 76832504
- Toimittajan tuotenumero: 8078288
- Materiaaliluokka K1819B
Tekniset tiedot
- Kaapelin pituus: 10 m