AhlsellTuotteetTeollisuusPaineilmaPneumatiikkaIlman esikäsittelyIlman esikäsittely FestoSumuvoitelulaitteet Festo

Sumuvoitelulaite Festo MS4/MS6-LOE MS-sarja
Tuotenumero Toimittajan tuotenumero:
Nähdäksesi varastosaldon ja hinnan
Flow rate 1,100 … 7,200 l/min. Temperature range –10 … +60 °C. Operating pressure 1 … 16 bar.
The proportional lubricator adds a precision adjustable quantity of oil to the compressed air stream. The pressure drop that occurs when air flows through a Venturi nozzle is used to convey oil from the container to the drip cap. From here, the oil drips into the air duct directly behind the proportional valve, where it is atomised. The oil mist component is proportional to the compressed air flow rate. Proportional lubricator with precision oil metering. Reduces wear on drive units subject to high loading. High flow rate. Quick and easy oil top-up even during operation (under pressure). Optional device variant EX4 for use in potentially explosive areas in zones 1, 2, 21 and 22.
The proportional lubricator adds a precision adjustable quantity of oil to the compressed air stream. The pressure drop that occurs when air flows through a Venturi nozzle is used to convey oil from the container to the drip cap. From here, the oil drips into the air duct directly behind the proportional valve, where it is atomised. The oil mist component is proportional to the compressed air flow rate. Proportional lubricator with precision oil metering. Reduces wear on drive units subject to high loading. High flow rate. Quick and easy oil top-up even during operation (under pressure). Optional device variant EX4 for use in potentially explosive areas in zones 1, 2, 21 and 22.
- Tuotenumero T18005043
- Toimittajan tuotenumero: 529411
- Materiaaliluokka K1810B
Tekniset tiedot
- Voiteluaineen minimivirtausnopeus: 40 l/min
- Pneum.liitäntä 1: G1/4
- Käyttölämpötila: -10-60 °C
- Nimellinen virtausnopeus: 2200 l/min