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Paineensäädin Festo MS12-LR
Tuotenumero Toimittajan tuotenumero:
Nähdäksesi varastosaldon ja hinnan
Flow rate 12,000 … 22,000 l/min. Temperature range –10 … +60 °C. Operating pressure 0.8 … 21 bar.
The pressure regulator maintains an essentially constant output pressure p2 independent of pressure fluctuations in the system and air consumption. The output pressure p2 can be
set within the pressure regulation range either manually using the rotary knob, pneumatically via a pilot pressure p12 by an external pilot regulator or electrically via setpoint signals. When the operating pressure or the voltage for the setpoint signals is switched off, the output pressure p2 is vented via connection 3 (secondary venting). Good regulation characteristics with low hysteresis and primary pressure compensation. High flow rate with minimal pressure drop. Regulator lock for protecting the values against adjustment With secondary venting Pressure gauge connection for different fitting options.
The pressure regulator maintains an essentially constant output pressure p2 independent of pressure fluctuations in the system and air consumption. The output pressure p2 can be
set within the pressure regulation range either manually using the rotary knob, pneumatically via a pilot pressure p12 by an external pilot regulator or electrically via setpoint signals. When the operating pressure or the voltage for the setpoint signals is switched off, the output pressure p2 is vented via connection 3 (secondary venting). Good regulation characteristics with low hysteresis and primary pressure compensation. High flow rate with minimal pressure drop. Regulator lock for protecting the values against adjustment With secondary venting Pressure gauge connection for different fitting options.
- Tuotenumero T18104689
- Toimittajan tuotenumero: 541680
- Materiaaliluokka K1810B
Tekniset tiedot
- Paineensäätöalue: 0.5-16.0 bar
- Pneum.liitäntä 1: pohjalaatta
- Max. painehystereesi: 0.4 bar
- Nimellinen virtausnopeus: 13000-22000 l/min