AhlsellTuotteetTeollisuusPaineilmaPneumatiikkaIlman esikäsittelyIlman esikäsittely FestoPaine- ja suodatinsäätimet Festo

Paineensäädin Festo MS
Tuotenumero Toimittajan tuotenumero:
Nähdäksesi varastosaldon ja hinnan
Flow rate 1,000 … 7,500 l/min. Temperature range –10 … +60 °C. Operating pressure 0.8 … 20 bar.
The pressure regulator maintains a constant working pressure (secondary side), regardless of the pressure variations in the system (primary side) and the air consumption. Good regulation characteristics with low hysteresis and primary pressure compensation. High flow rate with minimal pressure drop. Available with and without secondary venting. Regulator lock for protecting the values against adjustment. Four pressure regulation ranges:
0.3 … 4 bar, 0.3 … 7 bar, 0.5 … 12 bar and 0.5 … 16 bar. Two pressure gauge connections for different fitting options. Return flow option for exhausting from output 2 to output 1 already integrated. Optional pressure sensor. Optional rotary knob pressure gauge. Optional device variant EX4 for use in potentially explosive areas in zones 1, 2, 21 and 22
The pressure regulator maintains a constant working pressure (secondary side), regardless of the pressure variations in the system (primary side) and the air consumption. Good regulation characteristics with low hysteresis and primary pressure compensation. High flow rate with minimal pressure drop. Available with and without secondary venting. Regulator lock for protecting the values against adjustment. Four pressure regulation ranges:
0.3 … 4 bar, 0.3 … 7 bar, 0.5 … 12 bar and 0.5 … 16 bar. Two pressure gauge connections for different fitting options. Return flow option for exhausting from output 2 to output 1 already integrated. Optional pressure sensor. Optional rotary knob pressure gauge. Optional device variant EX4 for use in potentially explosive areas in zones 1, 2, 21 and 22
- Tuotenumero T18005065
- Toimittajan tuotenumero: 529991
- Materiaaliluokka K1810B
Tekniset tiedot
- Paineensäätöalue: 0.3-7.0 bar
- Pneum.liitäntä 1: G1/2
- Käyttöpainealue: 0.8-20 bar
- Käyttölämpötila: -10-60 °C
- Max. painehystereesi: 0.25 bar
- Max paine-ero: 0.25 bar
- Nimellinen virtausnopeus: 6500 l/min